
Scheckter to Quit Racing, Become Monavie Salesman

Sources at The Other Side have learned that Tomas Scheckter's big announcement tomorrow is in fact not what people are expecting.
People around the country are waiting on Tomas to announce either his part time or full time entry into the Indycar Series for the rest of 2009 with either Dreyer & Reinbold Racing or Dale Coyne Racing. However, we have learned that Mr. Scheckter will do just the opposite.
"He's done, he has found a new passion and we can't figure out why" said a source who asked to remain anonymous since nothing has been announced yet. "It is like that Monavie stuff has brainwashed him. He went into a meeting with the founder of Monavie with a Monavie Gel in hand, and walked out of the meeting a different person."
Tomorrow, Tomas will announce that he is taking a short hiatus from racing to pursue his new goal, being the top Monavie Salesman in North America (excluding Texas and the province of Quebec).
Apparently, part of his deal to run the Indianapolis 500 included him becoming a key distributor and salesman of Monavie products. As you can see above, Tomas was a walking billboard for the start up company during the last week of May as he pushed Monavie on everyone.
Further evidence of his decision to leave racing for the foreseeable future hit Twitter earlier today as Tomas was advertising job openings in his distribution team through tweets.
Email me at tomasenergy@googlemail.com if you interested in been part of my
monavie distribution team !!!!!!
Obviously, this story will not be confirmed until the press conference tomorrow at Texas Motor Speedway, but we this is all but confirmed. Also, rumored that Eddie Cheever will be joining this new distribution team as Scheckter's right-hand man.


Anonymous said...


The important thing to do to become a successful MonaVie distributor is to understand the product. However, with all the benefits the juice offers, one need to focus on one of the benefits.If you try to sell someone the juice based on all the benefits, you will sound like other ordinary salesman. People will think you're just trying to take their money. So, make sure you understand your product. After understanding your product, the next thing you need to do in order to become a successful MonaVie distributor is to identify the right people for your product. MonaVie juice is for everyone.

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Boat said...

As a Current and excited independent distributor with Monavie I can understand why Thomas would make this decision. You can always go back to racing. Now is the greatest time in history to be involved in network marketing and Monavie is the #1 company to do it with. Look at all the facts, they speak for themselves. I would be pleased to discuss the many why's with anyone interested.
904 545-7536

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